RRP name


Some call it "radio drama" or "audio adventures". But it's by no means "old time radio". Radio Features add dimension to broadcast schedules, augment community relations efforts – even serve as non-commercial promotion for your clients and advertisers. With 30 years experience in creating, writing, and producing radio features, Roger Rittner Productions brings a classic sound to today's media.

Radio Features

Sample audios are reduced quality for quicker download.

Sample action scenes5:07

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

"The Lost Chord"27:44

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

March to the Past

"The Trepidatious Torpedo"5:47

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

"Fiesta Problems"4:26

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

The March of Trivia

"Widening State Street"5:47

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

"Black Magic"4:05

MP3MP3 WMA WMA Real Real

Site copyright © 2007-2009 Roger Rittner Productions.
All company, organization, or brand names - as well as copyrights, service marks, trademarks, and/or other
registrations of products or services - mentioned in these productions are the property of their respective owners.
All other content copyright © 1985-2009 Roger Rittner Productions. All rights reserved.